In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
from functions import loadDatasets, temporalRebins, commonLatLonGrid, spatialRegrids
from functions import computeMetrics, contourPlot, mymap
# def mymap(f, s): return map(f, s) # sequential single-core map function
In [2]:
path1 = "/Users/bdwilson/Documents/code/RCMES/Workshop/"
variable1 = "tasmax"
path2 = "/Users/bdwilson/Documents/code/RCMES/Workshop/"
variable2 = "tasmax"
datasets = loadDatasets([(path1, variable1), (path2, variable2)], dir='./')
print datasets
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import ocw.dataset_processor as dsp
from datetime import timedelta
datasets = temporalRebins(datasets, timeRes)
In [ ]:
latRes = 1.0 # degrees
lonRes = 1.0 # degrees
lats, lons = commonLatLonGrid(datasets, latRes, lonRes)
# Find common spatial bounds, return desired grid with specified resolution
datasets = spatialRegrids(datasets, lats, lons)
In [ ]:
metricNames = ['Bias']
results = computeMetrics(datasets, metricNames, subregions=None)
bias = results[0][0]
In [ ]:
outputName = "wrf_bias_compared_to_knm"
config = {'gridshape': (4, 5),
'ptitle': 'TASMAX Bias of WRF Compared to KNMI (1989 - 2008)',
'subtitles': range(1989, 2009, 1)
plotFile = contourPlot(bias, lats, lons, outputName, **config)
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from IPython.display import Image, display
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